Jul 03, 2018 · Sandra Lee McKay Sandra Lee McKay. of international travel, of publications, and of education (McKay 2002, 2010, . learning/teaching English – English as an International Language (EIL), World. Teaching English as an International Language has 37 ratings and 8 reviews.
Recent Findings from Research into EIL English as an Intenational Language (EIL) Homogeny position: The spread of English is leading to homogenization of world culture. Heterogeny position: Features of different World Englishes indicate pluricentricism caused by globalization. Teaching English Overseas: An Introduction (Oxford ... Teaching English Overseas: An Introduction (Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers Series) [McKay, Sandra Lee] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Teaching English Overseas: An Introduction (Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers Series) Sandra L. Mckay Teaching English as an International Language: Rethinking Goals and Approaches. Oxford University Press, 2002. (An analysis of the characteristics of an international language and what these characteristics suggest for the teaching of English. Winner of the Ben Warren International Book Award for outstanding teacher education materials, 150 pages) Sociolinguistics and Language Teaching edited by Sandra ...
3. Principles of Teaching English as an International Language. Sandra Lee McKay. 4. Language Teaching and Learning in the Postlinguistic Condition? Mark Evan Nelson & Richard Kern. 5. The Use of Digital Media in Teaching English as an International Language. Paige Ware, Meei-Ling Liaw & Mark Warschauer. 6. Linking EIL and Literacy: Theory and Teaching English as an International Language, ELT Journal ... Teaching English as an International Language Teaching English as an International Language Lotherington, Heather Reviews Teaching English as an International Language S. L. McKay Oxford University Press 2002, 150 pp., £13.50 isbn 0 19 437364 9 As English has steadily grown into a lingua mundi, many teachers of English around the globe have assumed that we are teaching the same … [PDF] International English in Its Sociolinguistic ... International English in Its Sociolinguistic Contexts: Towards a Socially Sensitive Eil Pedagogy @inproceedings{Mckay2008InternationalEI, title={International English in Its Sociolinguistic Contexts: Towards a Socially Sensitive Eil Pedagogy}, author={Sandra Lee Mckay and …
"Hawaiian Creole is now in a state of decreolization (with English structures slowly replacing the original creole structures). In other words, one may observe in Hawaii an example of what linguists call a post-creole continuum: SAE, which is taught in schools, is the acrolect, that is, the socially prestigious lect, or language variant, at the top of social hierarchy. Toward an appropriate EIL pedagogy: re-examining common ... Toward an appropriate EIL pedagogy: re-examining common ELT assumptions SANDRA LEE MCKAY San Francisco State University This article argues that the teaching of English as an international language (EIL) should be based on an entirely different set of as-sumptions than has typically informed English language teaching (ELT) pedagogy. Teaching and Assessing EIL in Local Contexts Around the World Jul 24, 2015 · Teaching and Assessing EIL in Local Contexts Around the World - Ebook written by Sandra Lee Mckay, James Dean Brown. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read Teaching and Assessing EIL in Local Contexts Around the World. Sociolinguistics and Language Education (New Perspectives ...
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Teaching English as an International Language by Sandra ... An introduction to the role of English as an international language and its implications for language teaching. This book shows how the current spread of English as a means of communication throughout the world gives rise to many questions that challenge the way we currently teach. Teaching English As An International Language: Rethinking ... Sandra Lee McKay (2002) New York: Oxford University Press Pp. vi + 150 ISBN 0-19-437364-9 (paper) £13.50. While the last two decades has seen a plethora of books dealing with the teaching of English as a foreign or second language, there have been very few books written on teaching English as an international language. English As an International Language: What It Is and What ... Jan 23, 2018 · A great deal has been written about what English as an International Language (EIL) actually is (e.g. Alsagoff et al., 2012; Matsuda, 2012; McKay and Brown, 2016; Sharifian, 2009), ranging from a view of EIL as the many varieties of English that are spoken today to the use of English by second language speakers of English.